Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Best Class in the World

My students are excited to meet the baby. On Friday one of my students brought in baby shower decorations,so we hung them on the SMART board. Today I sent a letter home that I agonized over for quite a while. I announced that more than likely I would be staying at home with my son for the rest of the school year. I may have to come back in June to finish the school year, but I don't know yet.
My son has spent the last four months in an orphanage and has had so many transitions in his little life. I would feel bad about having him spend time in daycare right away.
My last day would be February 26th and we leave for Africa on Feb.27th. I really have mixed emotions about this because I have the world's best class and I am also very dedicated to my profession.
I am still wondering how in the world I am going to balance teaching and motherhood. People keep telling me you learn to balance the two, but I believe it will be hard. Guess I'll see in September!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love Seth's room and thank you so much for the adorable card with his photos on it! My girls have been hauling it around, He is so dang cute! I am so happy that you are ready to roll and there is no stopping now! I look forward to my Seth Ellis visit when we are in town... I think when you see that boy that no matter how hard it will be to not go back to your class,you aren't going to want to leave him either :) You could always volunteer in your own class :) Just bring Seth with! :) Take care and if you need anything, let me know! Jodi